Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

862 Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

Floor Jansen (atual vocalista do ReVamp) e Troy Donockley foram definitivamente oficializados na banda Nightwish. A princípio, iriam esperar até 2014 para lançarem a nota oficial, mas o encaixe da banda nos últimos meses foi a prova de que não precisariam esperar tanto tempo assim. Segue abaixo a nota da página oficial do Nightwish:

Palavras não podem explicar o que eu sinto. Essa união está além de tudo, e eu não consigo dizer como é maravilhoso continuar essa jornada incrível com meus irmãos. Uma vez eu tive um sonho… e era esse!”

” Originalmente, íamos esperar até 2014 para tomar uma decisão sobre o futuro da formação da banda, mas o ano passado claramente nos mostrou que Floor e Troy são peças perfeitas para o nosso quebra-cabeça“, disse a banda em comunicado.

Somos muito gratos pelos laços que cresceram entre nós. Nós amamos vocês, caras“.

” Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.

Also, we will be a six-piece band from now on, as Mr. Troy Donockley (uilleann pipes, low whistles, vocals) will become a full-time member of NIGHTWISH.

Originally we were going to wait until 2014 to make a decision about the future line-up of the band, but the past year has clearly shown us that Floor and Troy are perfect matching pieces to our puzzle, and we are really grateful of the bond that has grown between all of us. We love you guys.


Commented vocalist Floor Jansen: “Words cannot describe what I feel! This union is beyond everything and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to continue this amazing journey with my new brothers! Once I had a dream…and this is it!!!”

Piper/whistleman, added vocalist Troy Donockley: “`Imaginaerum World Tour´was a revelation to me and in that time, I became aware of a growing unity and then, finally, a transcendence of all the usual nonsense that affects bands. A beautiful process. And since the idea, the musical dream that is NIGHTWISH has been a part of me since before I was born, I am delighted to officially sail into uncharted waters with my brothers and sister. Wondrous scenes Ahoy! “

The new line-up can be seen on the live / tour documentary DVD »Showtime, Storytime«, released on November 29th.

Watch a brand new trailer, directed by Ville Lipiäinen HERE!

Preorder »Showtime, Storytime« at:
the official Nightwish Shop at: (Shipping worldwide!)
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 Nightwish+++Floor+Jansen Ms. Floor Jansen is a keeper.


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